Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Birthday

Its amost my birthday!!!!! I was born May 21st,1990 Today its May 20th so i got 1 more day. I hope noboday gets me something stupid Nick AWAYS gets me something stupid its like he gose out that day and shops i wather Nick just get me eahter nothing or just flower and cash! Chad last year got me some i tones card i dont use i tunes so i gave it to my dad who uses it all the time! Brett he just tends to get me flowers and that is fine with me flowers are better then nothing i would like to get something on my birthday. Gabe i hope Gabe dose get me something outher then flowers if he makes me something i will love that! My mom aways gets me the best gifts mostly cuz i tell her what i want so she dosent go out and get me something stupid. My dad is well my dad he gets me whatever he wants so pretty much my mom is the best shoper for presents she better not die or go anywhere for a while. Ill be 22 tomwer.

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